
1. Please do not make any appointment if you are not keen to view the property.
2. Please appreciate and respect people's time by attending appointment punctually.
3. Please do not try to skip the agent and go to the owner of the property directly. This may cause inconvenience to the owner.

Thank you for the understanding of professionalism.

09 September 2009

Double Storey Terrace @ Taman Paya Emas

22' x 75'
Dry & wet kitchen
4 bedroom at upstairs + 1 bedroom at downstairs
With kitchen cabinet & plaster ceiling
Behind extended with cement
Car porch fully tiled

1 comment:

  1. May contact me? Can get more information with its? Finding house now.. or sms me ur contact so tat i can contact with u..

    Mr. Law
    016-212 3281
    016-636 3281
